Draft Willoughby City Council Complaint Management Policy and Procedure 2023
Consultation has concluded

Between 22 January and 18 February 2024, the Draft Willoughby City Council Complaint Management Policy and Procedure 2023 went out for community consultation. The Policy and Procedure were adopted by Council at its 26 March meeting, and the report to Council and the adopted Policy and Procedure can be viewed in the Document Library on this page.
You’re invited to comment on the draft Complaint Management Policy and associated procedures before 18 February 2024.
The Customer Experience (CX) Strategy 2023 – 2025 was adopted by Council in April 2023, to provide a framework and approach to how Council will continue to deliver improvements for our customers. This Strategy identifies our customer experience commitment: ‘The goal of our customer experience is to make life easier for customers through consistent and responsive services that build trust in us’.
The CX Strategy identified an initiative to improve complaints management, in order to deliver greater efficiency in the handling and resolution of issues.
In line with this initiative, how Council deals with community and customer complaints is reviewed at least once each Council term, allowing Council’s policy to remain up-to-date and relevant to the needs of the community.
The Complaints Management Policy and associated procedures provide details of how complaints are managed by Council, including;
- what the community can expect when providing feedback or making a complaint
- the principles used to guide the management of complaints
- internal review process, should a person making a complaint be dissatisfied
- confidentiality
- accessibility
- records management of complaints
- relationship to Customer Experience Strategy initiatives
The Complaints Management Policy and associated procedures provide clear guidance to Council officials (staff) on how to manage a complaint allowing Council to respond to community and customer needs and promoting transparency and accountability.
Please be aware that revisions have been made to the draft procedure document to incorporate mentions of a new online complaint form that will soon be available on the council website.
Making a Submission
View the policy, procedure and report and submit your comments before 18 February 2024:
- by completing a submission survey below; or
- in writing to the CEO at Willoughby City Council, PO Box 57, Chatswood NSW 2057; or
- email to email@willoughby.nsw.gov.au
Please note all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
Enquiries: Jo Jewitt, Customer Experience Manager on 02 9777 7595