Planning Proposal for 5-9 Gordon Avenue Chatswood (PP 2018/003)

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Consultation for this planning proposal has concluded


Following the Planning Proposal and site specific Draft Development Control Plan (DCP) exhibition period, and the separate exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), all submissions were considered as part of the assessment of PP 2018/003.

A report with attachments was prepared for the Council Meeting of 2 March 2022.

Attachment 3 identified the total number of submissions, provided an overview of the main issues raised and the Council officer responses.

Attachment 4 listed all submissions received and provided a Council officers response.

Following the Council Meeting Agenda being made public in the week prior to the Council Meeting, all who made a submission and provided an email contact were informed that the Planning Proposal, and accompanying draft DCP and VPA , were to be considered.

At the Council Meeting of 2 March 2022, it was resolved to support the Planning Proposal, the site specific Development Control Plan and the Voluntary Planning Agreement. 

The Council Agenda and Minutes with the full Council resolution are accessed here: link)(External link)(External link)(External link)

In accordance with the Council resolution, the Planning Proposal was subsequently referred to the Department of Planning and Environment in order to formally amend Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 (WLEP 2012).

The Planning Proposal became  Amendment 20 to WLEP 2012, and was made (finalised) on 25 March 2022.



Have Your Say during the exhibition of amendments to Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 and draft amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan at 5-9 Gordon Avenue, Chatswood.

- either by written submission, email or in the electronic submission form below - until 5pm Thursday 20 May 2021

At its meeting of 11 February 2019, Council considered a Planning Proposal at 5-9 Gordon Avenue Chatswood.

Amendments to Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012:

The purpose of the Planning Proposal is to amend zoning, height and floor space ratio applicable to the site under Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 to facilitate the construction of a mixed use development in response to the Chatswood CBD Planning and Urban Design Strategy 2036 (the CBD Strategy). In particular, the following amendments are proposed for the site:

  • Rezone from R3 Medium Density Residential to B4 Mixed Use
  • Increase height from 12m to 90m
  • Increase floor space ratio from 0.9:1 to 6:1.

requiring changes to clauses and maps relating to WLEP 2012.

Refer to Council website link here for the CBD Strategy:

This is not a development application with detailed plans and associated detailed documentation, however a concept plan and supporting documentation has been submitted indicating a possible redevelopment of the site based on the proposed planning controls and CBD Strategy. Full details are provided in the supporting documentation visible on this page.

Amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan: The exhibition also includes draft amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan (WDCP) relating to the site.

Other Details

In accordance with the process for Planning Proposals, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has issued a Gateway Determination which requires that the Planning Proposal be placed on exhibition for 28 days. The Gateway Determination includes authorisation for Willoughby City Council to exercise the functions of the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces under section 3.36(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Again, it is emphasized that this is not a development application but the beginning of a process to change the rules applying to this site currently contained in Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Exhibition Period: The Planning Proposal and draft WDCP amendments will be on exhibition from Thursday 22 April 2021 until Thursday 20 May 2021 and can be viewed here in the supporting documents visible on this page.

Exhibition Closing Date: Written submissions will be received up until 5pm Thursday 20 May 2021 and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 57, Chatswood NSW 2057 or emailed to link), or simply fill in the electronic submission form below.

For enquiries contact Council’s Strategic Planning on 9777 1000.

Please Note

Comments should be restricted to the Planning Proposal and be grouped under subject headings. Council takes no responsibility for comments of a personal or defamatory nature contained in submissions.

You should also be aware concerns raised in your submission will not be responded to individually but will be considered as part of the assessment.

Submissions will be publicly available, and in relation to that, the Willoughby Council Privacy Statement is available below, and should be noted prior to making a submission:

Council's Privacy Statement

In making your submission, you may choose to remain anonymous, however this needs to be clearly stated on the submission (at the top of the front page in bold) that it is not to be treated as a public document. Please note should there be a need to substantiate matters contained in a submission made by you, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the consideration of the matter.

Persons lodging submissions must declare political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous 2 years. Further details on Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures is available below:

Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures


Following the Planning Proposal and site specific Draft Development Control Plan (DCP) exhibition period, and the separate exhibition of the draft Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA), all submissions were considered as part of the assessment of PP 2018/003.

A report with attachments was prepared for the Council Meeting of 2 March 2022.

Attachment 3 identified the total number of submissions, provided an overview of the main issues raised and the Council officer responses.

Attachment 4 listed all submissions received and provided a Council officers response.

Following the Council Meeting Agenda being made public in the week prior to the Council Meeting, all who made a submission and provided an email contact were informed that the Planning Proposal, and accompanying draft DCP and VPA , were to be considered.

At the Council Meeting of 2 March 2022, it was resolved to support the Planning Proposal, the site specific Development Control Plan and the Voluntary Planning Agreement. 

The Council Agenda and Minutes with the full Council resolution are accessed here: link)(External link)(External link)(External link)

In accordance with the Council resolution, the Planning Proposal was subsequently referred to the Department of Planning and Environment in order to formally amend Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 (WLEP 2012).

The Planning Proposal became  Amendment 20 to WLEP 2012, and was made (finalised) on 25 March 2022.



Have Your Say during the exhibition of amendments to Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 and draft amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan at 5-9 Gordon Avenue, Chatswood.

- either by written submission, email or in the electronic submission form below - until 5pm Thursday 20 May 2021

At its meeting of 11 February 2019, Council considered a Planning Proposal at 5-9 Gordon Avenue Chatswood.

Amendments to Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012:

The purpose of the Planning Proposal is to amend zoning, height and floor space ratio applicable to the site under Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012 to facilitate the construction of a mixed use development in response to the Chatswood CBD Planning and Urban Design Strategy 2036 (the CBD Strategy). In particular, the following amendments are proposed for the site:

  • Rezone from R3 Medium Density Residential to B4 Mixed Use
  • Increase height from 12m to 90m
  • Increase floor space ratio from 0.9:1 to 6:1.

requiring changes to clauses and maps relating to WLEP 2012.

Refer to Council website link here for the CBD Strategy:

This is not a development application with detailed plans and associated detailed documentation, however a concept plan and supporting documentation has been submitted indicating a possible redevelopment of the site based on the proposed planning controls and CBD Strategy. Full details are provided in the supporting documentation visible on this page.

Amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan: The exhibition also includes draft amendments to Willoughby Development Control Plan (WDCP) relating to the site.

Other Details

In accordance with the process for Planning Proposals, the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces has issued a Gateway Determination which requires that the Planning Proposal be placed on exhibition for 28 days. The Gateway Determination includes authorisation for Willoughby City Council to exercise the functions of the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces under section 3.36(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

Again, it is emphasized that this is not a development application but the beginning of a process to change the rules applying to this site currently contained in Willoughby Local Environmental Plan 2012.

Exhibition Period: The Planning Proposal and draft WDCP amendments will be on exhibition from Thursday 22 April 2021 until Thursday 20 May 2021 and can be viewed here in the supporting documents visible on this page.

Exhibition Closing Date: Written submissions will be received up until 5pm Thursday 20 May 2021 and should be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 57, Chatswood NSW 2057 or emailed to link), or simply fill in the electronic submission form below.

For enquiries contact Council’s Strategic Planning on 9777 1000.

Please Note

Comments should be restricted to the Planning Proposal and be grouped under subject headings. Council takes no responsibility for comments of a personal or defamatory nature contained in submissions.

You should also be aware concerns raised in your submission will not be responded to individually but will be considered as part of the assessment.

Submissions will be publicly available, and in relation to that, the Willoughby Council Privacy Statement is available below, and should be noted prior to making a submission:

Council's Privacy Statement

In making your submission, you may choose to remain anonymous, however this needs to be clearly stated on the submission (at the top of the front page in bold) that it is not to be treated as a public document. Please note should there be a need to substantiate matters contained in a submission made by you, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the consideration of the matter.

Persons lodging submissions must declare political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous 2 years. Further details on Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures is available below:

Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures