Our Future Willoughby 2036

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Consultation has now concluded

Your voice matters

THANKYOU for your valuable feedback - we heard from almost 400 people through the surveys, workshops and interviews, a great response!
We would love to hear about what's important to you, the challenges our community faces, and your hopes for the future.
We're updating our 10-year Community Strategy Plan (CSP), also known as Our Future Willoughby 2032, and want to tap into your ideas - this will help us tune the plan for the next decade to create Our Future Willoughby 2036. It's Council's highest level plan which drives all other planning, programs and actions we deliver. Every 4 years we need to revise the plan, in line with the community's current and future values, needs and priorities.

How to share your thoughts

  • Complete the survey below - every week there's 2 chances to win a $50 gift card for completed surveys. Six winners so far!
  • Come along to an event to share your views in a short survey or video. There will free facepainting for the kids and enviro shopping bags:

    • Thursday 11 July Chatswood Mall Markets 11:30am-1:30pm: find the Council marquee in the Victoria Ave markets.
    • Saturday 13 July Meet your Neighbours event for apartment dwellers, 10am-noon at Whitton Park. BYO mug - free coffee, games, music and more! Come to the park at the corner of Whitton and Oliver Roads, West Chatswood.
    • Saturday 27 July Chatswood Mall Markets 11:30am-1:30pm: find the Council marquee in the Victoria Ave markets.
    • We are also doing some closed events for target groups - youth, Korean and Chinese social groups

  • Prefer a printed survey? Complete one at Chatswood Library, Customer Service (31 Victor Street Chatswood) or the Dougherty Centre.
  • Send a longer submission to IPR@willoughby.nsw.gov.au
  • Surveys and submissions close at 11:59pm on Sunday 4 August.

What happens next?

  • Stage 1: We'll analyse everything you've told us and consider how to adjust the plan. In the 28 October 2024 Council meeting the State of our City Report will be presented. It will include our progress, community feedback and recommendations on how to update Our Future Willoughby.
  • Stage 2: Early 2025 we will exhibit the draft Our Future Willoughby 2036 for more community feedback, and Council will adopt the final plan in March/April 2025.
  • Stage 3: May 2025 we will exhibit the other documents which support and implement the plan through Council's services and infrastructure:
    The Resourcing Strategy, 5 Asset Management Plans, 4-year Delivery Program, and annual Operational Plan with Budget, Fees and Charges. These will be adopted in late June 2025.
    To see how it all fits together, have a look at our Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

Your Privacy 

Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously. Please note all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports. 

All personal information collected will be kept in strict confidence. For further information regarding your privacy please refer to Bang the Table Privacy Policy at https://www.haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au/privacy or Willoughby Council at http://edocs.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/DocumentViewer.ashx?dsi=3085645

THANKYOU for your valuable feedback - we heard from almost 400 people through the surveys, workshops and interviews, a great response!
We would love to hear about what's important to you, the challenges our community faces, and your hopes for the future.
We're updating our 10-year Community Strategy Plan (CSP), also known as Our Future Willoughby 2032, and want to tap into your ideas - this will help us tune the plan for the next decade to create Our Future Willoughby 2036. It's Council's highest level plan which drives all other planning, programs and actions we deliver. Every 4 years we need to revise the plan, in line with the community's current and future values, needs and priorities.

How to share your thoughts

  • Complete the survey below - every week there's 2 chances to win a $50 gift card for completed surveys. Six winners so far!
  • Come along to an event to share your views in a short survey or video. There will free facepainting for the kids and enviro shopping bags:

    • Thursday 11 July Chatswood Mall Markets 11:30am-1:30pm: find the Council marquee in the Victoria Ave markets.
    • Saturday 13 July Meet your Neighbours event for apartment dwellers, 10am-noon at Whitton Park. BYO mug - free coffee, games, music and more! Come to the park at the corner of Whitton and Oliver Roads, West Chatswood.
    • Saturday 27 July Chatswood Mall Markets 11:30am-1:30pm: find the Council marquee in the Victoria Ave markets.
    • We are also doing some closed events for target groups - youth, Korean and Chinese social groups

  • Prefer a printed survey? Complete one at Chatswood Library, Customer Service (31 Victor Street Chatswood) or the Dougherty Centre.
  • Send a longer submission to IPR@willoughby.nsw.gov.au
  • Surveys and submissions close at 11:59pm on Sunday 4 August.

What happens next?

  • Stage 1: We'll analyse everything you've told us and consider how to adjust the plan. In the 28 October 2024 Council meeting the State of our City Report will be presented. It will include our progress, community feedback and recommendations on how to update Our Future Willoughby.
  • Stage 2: Early 2025 we will exhibit the draft Our Future Willoughby 2036 for more community feedback, and Council will adopt the final plan in March/April 2025.
  • Stage 3: May 2025 we will exhibit the other documents which support and implement the plan through Council's services and infrastructure:
    The Resourcing Strategy, 5 Asset Management Plans, 4-year Delivery Program, and annual Operational Plan with Budget, Fees and Charges. These will be adopted in late June 2025.
    To see how it all fits together, have a look at our Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

Your Privacy 

Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously. Please note all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports. 

All personal information collected will be kept in strict confidence. For further information regarding your privacy please refer to Bang the Table Privacy Policy at https://www.haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au/privacy or Willoughby Council at http://edocs.willoughby.nsw.gov.au/DocumentViewer.ashx?dsi=3085645

  • Share with us what's important to you, the challenges our community faces, and your hopes for the future. 

    Fully completed surveys go into a draw for a $50 credit voucher, with 2 available each week (Willoughby Council staff not eligible).

    The last entries will be accepted on Sunday 4 August.

    Please note that survey questions with free text are limited to please be brief and use keywords.

    Consultation has now concluded

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