Our Future Willoughby 2036

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Consultation has now concluded

Your voice matters

Share your thoughts on Our Future Willoughby 2036

Are you interested in our environment, community, transport, housing, economy, public spaces or facilities, Council services and events? Then have a say on the plan, Our Future Willoughby 2036. This is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) for the coming decade across the Willoughby Council area. 

It captures community aspirations beyond just what Council provides, and extends to what State Government, business, groups and residents can help achieve too. It’s been updated following extensive community engagement in July, and your thoughts on the draft plan are invited to ensure it’s tuned to the community’s vision and priorities.  

Read the revised draft plan Our Future Willoughby 2036 and have your say.

Community Outcomes

Have your Say

The revised draft Community Strategic Plan is on public exhibition from 27 November 2024 to 12 January 2025.

Come along and view the plan and speak to staff at one of our drop-ins on Thursday 5 December:

  • Council stall at Chatswood Markets,11.30am to 1.30pm, Victoria St mall.
  • Chatswood Library Creator Space from 5 to 7pm. In the Concourse building, 409 Victoria Ave Chatswood.

Grab an eco-tote bag in thanks for your input.

Alternatively, you can provide a submission by:

  • completing the submission form below, the 'Stage 2 survey'
  • emailing IPR@willoughby.nsw.gov.au
  • writing to the General Manager at Willoughby City Council, PO Box 57 Chatswood NSW 2057

Printed copies of the draft CSP are available to browse through at the Chatswood Library, Customer Service (31 Victor Street, Chatswood) or at the Dougherty Centre (7 Victor Street, Chatswood).

Submissions close: Sunday 12 January 2025

Your Privacy

Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously. Please note all submissions are public documents. By making a comment or submission, you are consenting to that information being used or reproduced anonymously in Council reports or Engagement Outcomes Reports. All personal details and identifiers will be redacted.

For further information regarding your privacy and how we will use your information please refer to Council's Privacy Management Plan.

Share your thoughts on Our Future Willoughby 2036

Are you interested in our environment, community, transport, housing, economy, public spaces or facilities, Council services and events? Then have a say on the plan, Our Future Willoughby 2036. This is the Community Strategic Plan (CSP) for the coming decade across the Willoughby Council area. 

It captures community aspirations beyond just what Council provides, and extends to what State Government, business, groups and residents can help achieve too. It’s been updated following extensive community engagement in July, and your thoughts on the draft plan are invited to ensure it’s tuned to the community’s vision and priorities.  

Read the revised draft plan Our Future Willoughby 2036 and have your say.

Community Outcomes

Have your Say

The revised draft Community Strategic Plan is on public exhibition from 27 November 2024 to 12 January 2025.

Come along and view the plan and speak to staff at one of our drop-ins on Thursday 5 December:

  • Council stall at Chatswood Markets,11.30am to 1.30pm, Victoria St mall.
  • Chatswood Library Creator Space from 5 to 7pm. In the Concourse building, 409 Victoria Ave Chatswood.

Grab an eco-tote bag in thanks for your input.

Alternatively, you can provide a submission by:

  • completing the submission form below, the 'Stage 2 survey'
  • emailing IPR@willoughby.nsw.gov.au
  • writing to the General Manager at Willoughby City Council, PO Box 57 Chatswood NSW 2057

Printed copies of the draft CSP are available to browse through at the Chatswood Library, Customer Service (31 Victor Street, Chatswood) or at the Dougherty Centre (7 Victor Street, Chatswood).

Submissions close: Sunday 12 January 2025

Your Privacy

Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously. Please note all submissions are public documents. By making a comment or submission, you are consenting to that information being used or reproduced anonymously in Council reports or Engagement Outcomes Reports. All personal details and identifiers will be redacted.

For further information regarding your privacy and how we will use your information please refer to Council's Privacy Management Plan.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please complete the short survey by commenting generally on the revised Community Strategic Plan - Our Future Willoughby 2036 - or providing feedback on specific sections of the document.

    This survey should take approximately 5-7 minutes.

    Consultation has now concluded

    Share CSP Stage 2 Survey/ submission form on Facebook Share CSP Stage 2 Survey/ submission form on Twitter Share CSP Stage 2 Survey/ submission form on Linkedin Email CSP Stage 2 Survey/ submission form link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    STAGE ONE engagement - Closed
    Share with us what's important to you, the challenges our community faces, and your hopes for the future. 

    The last entries will be accepted on Sunday 4 August.

    Please note that survey questions with free text are limited to please be brief and use keywords.

    Consultation has now concluded

    Share Our Future Willoughby 2036 - Stage One - closed on Facebook Share Our Future Willoughby 2036 - Stage One - closed on Twitter Share Our Future Willoughby 2036 - Stage One - closed on Linkedin Email Our Future Willoughby 2036 - Stage One - closed link