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Consultation has concluded
Project Update
Thank you to those who participated in the consultation of the Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan (RAP), which since been adopted by Council. The following documents associated with the consultation are provided on this page:
Exhibition Summary Report
Council Report
A final copy of the Castlehaven RAP
Willoughby City Council is seeking community feedback for Flat Rock Gully Reserve.
Please review the Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan in the Document Library and leave your comments below in the survey prior to closure of the community consultation period at 5 pm, Friday 15 June 2018.
Flat Rock Gully encompasses a total area of 22.3 ha inclusive of a portion of Bicentennial Reserve. Remnant bushland, approximately 14 ha, occurs within the Flat Rock Creek Catchment Area. It is bounded by Flat Rock Drive to the west and extends beyond the historic Cammeray Bridge to the east, adjacent to Tunks Park.
Key Actions for the Draft Reserve Action Plan:
Continuation of weed management actions by bushland regeneration contractors, Council staff and volunteers,
Maintenance of bush tracks and improved access to adjacent open space areas,
Completion of a prescribed burn in heathland.
All community members who leave a comment will receive a response after the community consultation period.
Your Privacy
Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously.
Please note all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
Thank you to those who participated in the consultation of the Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan (RAP), which since been adopted by Council. The following documents associated with the consultation are provided on this page:
Exhibition Summary Report
Council Report
A final copy of the Castlehaven RAP
Willoughby City Council is seeking community feedback for Flat Rock Gully Reserve.
Please review the Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan in the Document Library and leave your comments below in the survey prior to closure of the community consultation period at 5 pm, Friday 15 June 2018.
Flat Rock Gully encompasses a total area of 22.3 ha inclusive of a portion of Bicentennial Reserve. Remnant bushland, approximately 14 ha, occurs within the Flat Rock Creek Catchment Area. It is bounded by Flat Rock Drive to the west and extends beyond the historic Cammeray Bridge to the east, adjacent to Tunks Park.
Key Actions for the Draft Reserve Action Plan:
Continuation of weed management actions by bushland regeneration contractors, Council staff and volunteers,
Maintenance of bush tracks and improved access to adjacent open space areas,
Completion of a prescribed burn in heathland.
All community members who leave a comment will receive a response after the community consultation period.
Your Privacy
Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously.
Please note all submissions are public documents and may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
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Flat Rock Gully Survey
Consultation has concluded
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Please note, automatic translations are provided as a guide only and may not be accurate.
Call us using an interpreter
you need to speak to Council staff in your home language, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131450, and ask them to call us on (02) 97771000.
Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan has finished this stage
The community is invited to make comments regarding the Draft Reserve Action Plan.
Comments will be received until 5 pm, Friday 15, June 2018.
Revision of Draft Plan
Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan has finished this stage
Draft Plan to be revised based on feedback from Community Consultation and the Natural Heritage and Bushland Advisory Committee.
Final report
Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan has finished this stage
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented. This includes a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Report to Council
Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan has finished this stage
Endorsed Final Plan is submitted to Council for approval.
Plan Adopted
Draft Flat Rock Gully Reserve Action Plan is currently at this stage
Following a Council Meeting, the Reserve Action Plan is adopted by Council. Work actions commence and annual reviews to be conducted.