Edinburgh Road 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area
Consultation has concluded

Willoughby City Council is seeking community feedback on a proposal to introduce a new 40km/h High Pedestrian Activity Area (HPAA) in the Castlecrag Local Centre.
Four design options have been developed for the HPAA. Their photomontage images can be found in the Document Library for residents and businesses to nominate a preferred design option. Please review the proposed design options and nominate your preferred design option in the survey prior to the closure of the community consultation period at 11:59 pm, Sunday 4 February 2024.
A pop-up session will be held on 23 January 2024, 10 AM at the corner of Edinburgh Road and Raeburn Avenue intersection for Council staff to brief the recommendations and answer any questions that arise.
The Local Centre generates considerable pedestrian movements throughout the day. A HPAA will improve pedestrian safety with the implementation of traffic calming measures and a 40km/h speed limit on the local road network. It helps to raise awareness among motorists of the presence of pedestrians.
The HPPA is proposed to be implemented along Edinburgh Road between Eastern Valley Way and east of The Postern, as well as intersecting roads including Raeburn Avenue, Rutland Avenue and The Postern. A 50km/h speed limit sign will be posted to inform exit from the HPAA. Please refer to the Document Library for the extent of the area proposed to be implemented with HPAA.
Why the 40km/h speed limit?
Managing speed, in accordance with safe system principles, is a key component in managing pedestrian safety. Research and scientific analysis show that a pedestrian hit by a car travelling at 40 km/h has twice the chance of surviving the collision than if the car was travelling 50 km/h. Travelling at speeds higher than 40 km/h greatly increases the risk of injury and death to pedestrians.
What happens next?
All comments and suggestions will be taken into consideration and will contribute to finalizing the preferred design option. Community feedback will inform which design option is the preferrable one to be forwarded to the Local Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision.
Residents can monitor the progress of a proposal by reviewing the agenda of the Traffic Committee meetings. Meetings are typically held every two months and published on the Council’s website. The agenda contains projects that, following community consultation, are progressed to the Traffic Committee for consideration and Council for a final decision. The Traffic Committee agendas can be accessed by the link below.
Your Privacy
Willoughby City Council takes the privacy of the participants using this site very seriously. Please note that the contents of your comments made may be made available or reproduced in Council reports.
All personal information collected will be kept in strict confidence. For further information regarding your privacy please refer to Bang the Table Privacy Policy at https://www.haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au/privacy or Willoughby Council at https://www.haveyoursaywilloughby.com.au/privacy.
Contact Details
If you have any further questions about the proposed project please contact Adeline Sim, Senior Transport Engineer by email adeline.sim@willoughby.nsw.gov.au or via phone on 02 9777 1000 during business hours.