Draft Precinct Development Control Plan for the eastern side of the Pacific Highway between Gordon Avenue and Ellis Street Chatswood (641-653, 655A, 689, 691-693, 695, 699, 701-705 and 745 Pacific Highway)
Consultation has concluded
Draft Precinct Development Control Plan for the eastern side of the Pacific Highway between Gordon Avenue and Ellis Street Chatswood
(641-653, 655A, 689, 691-693, 695, 699, 701-705 and 745 Pacific Highway)
Following the Draft Precinct Development Control Plan (DCP) exhibition period, all submissions were considered as part of the assessment.
A report with attachments was prepared for the Council Meeting of 25 March 2024.
Attachment 4 identified the total number of submissions, provided an overview of the main issues raised and the Council officer responses.
Attachment 5 listed all submissions received and provided a Council officers response.
Following the Council Meeting Agenda being made public in the week prior to the Council Meeting, all who made a submission and provided an email contact were informed that the draft Precinct DCP was to be considered.
At the Council Meeting of 25 March 2024, it was resolved to approve the draft Precinct Development Control Plan.
The Council Agenda and Minutes with the full Council resolution are accessed here:
Consistent with the Council resolution, the draft Precinct Development Control Plan for the eastern side of the Pacific Highway between Gordon Avenue and Ellis Street Chatswood (641-653, 655A, 689, 691-693, 695, 699, 701-705 and 745 Pacific Highway) will be incorporated into Willoughby Development Control Plan.
Feedback is sought on a Draft Precinct Development Control Plan involving properties fronting the eastern side of the Pacific Highway between Gordon Avenue and Ellis Street Chatswood. The properties involved are:
- 641-653 Pacific Highway
- 655A Pacific Highway
- 689 Pacific Highway
- 691-693 Pacific Highway
- 695 Pacific Highway
- 699 Pacific Highway
- 701 Pacific Highway
- 745 Pacific Highway
See Fact Sheet for map of the precinct.
The closing time and date for submissions is 5pm Friday, 16 February 2024.
Draft Precinct Development Control Plan details
The aims and objectives of this Plan are to:
- Provide Precinct guidelines for the properties involved.
- Facilitate provision of pedestrian and cycle through site links connecting with adjacent or envisioned future pedestrian and cycle links within the Chatswood CBD.
- Minimise traffic impacts on the surrounding road network.
The issues addressed in the draft Precinct Plan include:
- Precinct Amalgamation
- Links
- Traffic and Transport
What this exhibition does not include
The exhibition of this draft Precinct Development Control Plan does not include any individual Planning Proposal, related site specific Development Control Plan or planning agreement.
The Planning Proposal, site specific DCP, and Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement will be exhibited at a later date, subject the approval of the NSW Department of Planning to exhibit the Planning Proposal.
Reason for progressing Precinct DCP
Progressing the Precinct DCP in advance of the Planning Proposal and site specific DCP will ensure appropriate principles and standards are in place for the site and help ensure site specific decisions will be consistent with the vision for the wider precinct.
Information available
In the Supporting Documents section at the right hand side of this page, you can find the following documents:
- Proposed draft Precinct Development Control Plan
- Council report prepared for 11 December 2023 meeting, and relevant Attachments 5 and 6
- Council Meeting resolution 11 December 2023
- A Facts Sheet to assist in understanding what is on exhibition
Other details
NSW planning legislation pertaining to Development Control Plans (DCPs) is contained within Part 3, Division 3.6 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Part 3 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
The draft Precinct DCP is to be publicly exhibited for a minimum of 28 days pursuant to clause 18 of the Regulation. An extended exhibition period has been provided due to the end of year holiday period.
How to have your say
The draft Precinct Development Control Plan is on exhibition from Friday 15 December 2023 to Friday 16 February 2024.
Written submissions will be received up until 5pm Friday 16 February 2024 and can be:
- Provided at the electronic submission form below; or
- Addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, PO Box 57, Chatswood NSW 2057; or
- Emailed to email@willoughby.nsw.gov.au.
For enquiries contact Strategic Planner Craig O'Brien on (02) 9777 1000
Please Note
- Comments should be restricted to the draft Precinct Development Control Plan (and not other matters)
- To help us to better understand your feedback, it would be helpful if you provide sub-headings on key themes within your comments or submissions
- Council takes no responsibility for comments of a personal or defamatory nature contained in submissions.
- You should also be aware submissions are not individually acknowledged and that your submission will not be responded to individually but will be considered as part of the assessment.
- Submissions will be publicly available. The Willoughby Council Privacy Statement is available below, and should be noted prior to making a submission:
In making your submission, you may choose to remain anonymous, however this needs to be clearly stated on the submission (at the top of the front page in bold). Please note should there be a need to substantiate matters contained in a submission made by you, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the consideration of the matter.
Persons lodging submissions must declare political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous 2 years. Further details on Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures is available below: