What is the difference between access and inclusion?
Accessibility involves designing facilities and systems to optimise access. Being inclusive is about giving equal access and opportunities to everyone wherever possible.
Why does Council need a Disability Access and Inclusion Plan?
The Disability Inclusion Act 2014 (DIA) mandated the development of Disability Inclusion plan and disability inclusion action planning across NSW Government and local councils. The Act enshrines the principles of inclusion in legislation, and holds government accountable for making real change in this area.
Can anyone contribute to the Disability Action Inclusion Plan?
Yes, as most of us experience physical, intellectual psychiatric, sensory, neurological and/or cognitive disability at some sate in our lives – either personally or in caring for a loved one.
Who is the plan for?
Access and inclusion is important for everyone in the community not just people with disability. People who are ageing, families with prams, people who have a temporary injury in fact the whole community benefits from easy access and being fully included.
What will the plan do?
The Plan will identify what Council needs to do to help people with disability feel and be more included in the community, and be able to access the same services, facilities, activities and opportunities as everybody else.
How will Council fund projects or improvements identified as part of the Disability Inclusion Action Plan 2022-2026?
The Plan will cover a four year period and will include short, medium and long term approaches to improving accessibility within Willoughby for people with disability. Some of the actions identified will have cost implications and others; for example, improving information available to people with disability will have minimal costs.
Actions with cost implications will be considered as part of Council’s regular budget allocation and review process and progressed as resources allow.