2025 Housekeeping Amendments to Willoughby Development Control plan (DCP)
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Willoughby Development Control Plan (WDCP) provides detailed guidelines to ensure a high standard of development in Willoughby City.
Changes to the DCP aim to address minor anomalies and inconsistencies in the documents. These changes are called housekeeping amendments, meaning they are relatively minor changes with an intention to clarify an existing clause or control where there has been uncertainty.
The proposed changes to the DCP are detailed in the Fact Sheets on the right side.
The DCP Housekeeping amendments are on public exhibition from Monday 17 March until Monday 14 April 2025.
Comments should be restricted to the draft amendments to the WDCP.
To help us to better understand your feedback, it would be helpful if you provide sub-headings on key themes within your comments or submissions
Council takes no responsibility for comments of a personal or defamatory nature contained in submissions.
You should also be aware submissions are not individually acknowledged and concerns raised in your submission will not be responded to individually but will be considered as part of the assessment.
Submissions will be publicly available. Please note the Council's Privacy Statement prior to making a submission.
In making your submission, you may choose to remain anonymous, however this needs to be clearly stated on the submission (at the top of the front page in bold) that it is not to be treated as a public document. Please note should there be a need to substantiate matters contained in your submission, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the consideration of the matter.
Persons lodging submissions must declare any political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous 2 years. Further details on the Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures page.
Willoughby Development Control Plan (WDCP) provides detailed guidelines to ensure a high standard of development in Willoughby City.
Changes to the DCP aim to address minor anomalies and inconsistencies in the documents. These changes are called housekeeping amendments, meaning they are relatively minor changes with an intention to clarify an existing clause or control where there has been uncertainty.
The proposed changes to the DCP are detailed in the Fact Sheets on the right side.
The DCP Housekeeping amendments are on public exhibition from Monday 17 March until Monday 14 April 2025.
Comments should be restricted to the draft amendments to the WDCP.
To help us to better understand your feedback, it would be helpful if you provide sub-headings on key themes within your comments or submissions
Council takes no responsibility for comments of a personal or defamatory nature contained in submissions.
You should also be aware submissions are not individually acknowledged and concerns raised in your submission will not be responded to individually but will be considered as part of the assessment.
Submissions will be publicly available. Please note the Council's Privacy Statement prior to making a submission.
In making your submission, you may choose to remain anonymous, however this needs to be clearly stated on the submission (at the top of the front page in bold) that it is not to be treated as a public document. Please note should there be a need to substantiate matters contained in your submission, anonymous submissions may be given less weight (or no weight) in the consideration of the matter.
Persons lodging submissions must declare any political donations (including donations of $1000 or more) made in the previous 2 years. Further details on the Disclosure of Political Donations and Expenditures page.
Page last updated: 17 Mar 2025, 10:33 AM
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2025 Housekeeping Amendments to Willoughby Development Control plan (DCP) is currently at this stage
This consultation is open for contributions.
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for 2025 Housekeeping Amendments to Willoughby Development Control plan (DCP)
Contributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review. The project team will report back on key outcomes.
Final report
this is an upcoming stage for 2025 Housekeeping Amendments to Willoughby Development Control plan (DCP)
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.