Draft Housing Strategy 2019

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Consultation has concluded

UPDATE: As at August 2019, please find [in the library section of this page] an independent review of feedback received during Round 3 of Community Consultation for the Willoughby Housing Strategy.

Background Information

Willoughby’s population is estimated to rise to 91,848 by 2036 (+13,830 persons). With this increase in population, an additional 6.700 dwellings will be required to 2036. Willoughby Council needs to plan for the housing needs of both current and future residents. Where do you think increased housing supply should be located?

Please Note REGISTRATIONS HAVE NOW CLOSED to attend either of the Draft Housing Strategy Roundtables.

However, if you would like to register your interest [should sufficient numbers be received] for an additional Roundtable event to be held, please complete the form below and we will keep you informed.

Scheduled events:

  • REGISTRATIONS HAVE CLOSED for the 1st Housing Strategy Roundtable Wed 20 February 6.30pm-7.30pm; however you can
  • REGISTRATIONS HAVE CLOSED for the 2nd Housing Strategy Roundtable Wed 20 March 6.30pm-8.00pm (now extended by 30 mins)

Where: Both will be held at Willoughby Council Chambers, Level 6, 31 Victor St, Chatswood

For information about Local Centre Roundtable events or drop-ins please click HERE.


COMPLETE THE SURVEY BELOW From 5 February to extended closing date of Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Please take some time to review the Draft Housing Strategy 2036 to understand what changes are being proposed. You can also download a higher resolution [8MB].

You can choose:

  1. OPTION 1: Provide an overall response about the Draft Housing Strategy (1-2 mins). Simply answer the question about reviewing the strategy, then skip through to the final page to provide an overall response and complete the demographic questions to submit.
  2. OPTION 2: Scan through and respond to any of the optional questions about various elements proposed for the Draft Housing Strategy (2-5 mins). This option will provide us with a more detailed understanding of community sentiment towards specific elements of the Strategy.

Important notes:

The demographic questions are required survey responses.

Agreement to the republication of a version of your submission is required in order to use your submission on Council's websites and in Council reports.

Other Planning Strategies for Willoughby City

It’s important to consider the Draft Local Centre Strategy that aims to promote a network of thriving, attractive and distinctive village centres throughout the Council area and explains the 20 year plan to guide our Local centres for growth and renewal.

You can also participate in any or all of the Draft Local Centre surveys, or find out more about the drop-ins, as well as register to attend any of the roundtable discussions from the Next Steps in Planning Strategies primary engagement page.

UPDATE: As at August 2019, please find [in the library section of this page] an independent review of feedback received during Round 3 of Community Consultation for the Willoughby Housing Strategy.

Background Information

Willoughby’s population is estimated to rise to 91,848 by 2036 (+13,830 persons). With this increase in population, an additional 6.700 dwellings will be required to 2036. Willoughby Council needs to plan for the housing needs of both current and future residents. Where do you think increased housing supply should be located?

Please Note REGISTRATIONS HAVE NOW CLOSED to attend either of the Draft Housing Strategy Roundtables.

However, if you would like to register your interest [should sufficient numbers be received] for an additional Roundtable event to be held, please complete the form below and we will keep you informed.

Scheduled events:

  • REGISTRATIONS HAVE CLOSED for the 1st Housing Strategy Roundtable Wed 20 February 6.30pm-7.30pm; however you can
  • REGISTRATIONS HAVE CLOSED for the 2nd Housing Strategy Roundtable Wed 20 March 6.30pm-8.00pm (now extended by 30 mins)

Where: Both will be held at Willoughby Council Chambers, Level 6, 31 Victor St, Chatswood

For information about Local Centre Roundtable events or drop-ins please click HERE.


COMPLETE THE SURVEY BELOW From 5 February to extended closing date of Tuesday 30 April 2019.

Please take some time to review the Draft Housing Strategy 2036 to understand what changes are being proposed. You can also download a higher resolution [8MB].

You can choose:

  1. OPTION 1: Provide an overall response about the Draft Housing Strategy (1-2 mins). Simply answer the question about reviewing the strategy, then skip through to the final page to provide an overall response and complete the demographic questions to submit.
  2. OPTION 2: Scan through and respond to any of the optional questions about various elements proposed for the Draft Housing Strategy (2-5 mins). This option will provide us with a more detailed understanding of community sentiment towards specific elements of the Strategy.

Important notes:

The demographic questions are required survey responses.

Agreement to the republication of a version of your submission is required in order to use your submission on Council's websites and in Council reports.

Other Planning Strategies for Willoughby City

It’s important to consider the Draft Local Centre Strategy that aims to promote a network of thriving, attractive and distinctive village centres throughout the Council area and explains the 20 year plan to guide our Local centres for growth and renewal.

You can also participate in any or all of the Draft Local Centre surveys, or find out more about the drop-ins, as well as register to attend any of the roundtable discussions from the Next Steps in Planning Strategies primary engagement page.

Survey - Draft Housing Strategy

Consultation has concluded