When did Council acquire the former Artarmon Bowling Club site?

    In February 2016 Council acquired the former Artarmon Bowling Club site. A condition of purchase was that the Bowling Club site remains a community recreation facility. A building audit of the 60 year old weatherboard club building indicates that an estimated $1.5M would be required for building upgrades to meet current building standards.

    What consultation has happened so far?

    Artarmon Reserve Master Plan – Consultation

    In 2015 a review of the Artarmon Reserve Master Plan was undertaken with wide community consultation undertaken. These identified improvements to the quality of open space in Artarmon are required to better meet the community needs and expectations.

    The former Artarmon Bowling Club Site - Consultation

    From 1 May to 16 June 2017, broad community consultation was undertaken. More than 400 responses were received on the future of the site, with many suggestions for new uses for the Bowling clubhouse building and the greens.

    From the initial consultation community feedback has contribute into the draft design brief for the Bowling Club site and Artarmon Reserve – to be known as The Artarmon Parklands.

    Once the future of the Bowling clubhouse building is determined by Council, the landscape design brief for the former Artarmon Bowling Greens and Artarmon Reserve (to be known as the Artarmon Parklands) can be finalised and further community consultation will be undertaken in early 2018.

    What is the purpose of a Citizens Panel?

    On 24 July 2017, Council resolved inter alia to establish a Citizens Panel of up to 15 people, to advise on future options for the former Artarmon Bowling Club site building.

    The Citizens Panel is being established to represent the views of key stakeholders, the community and other interested parties. The Citizens Panel will provide Council with recommendations regarding future options for the Bowling clubhouse by the end of October, for the Council meeting in December 2017.

    What happens next?

    Once the future of the Bowling clubhouse building is determined by Council in December 2017, the draft landscape design brief for the former Artarmon Bowling Greens and Artarmon Reserve (to be known as the Artarmon Parklands) can be finalised and further community consultation can be undertaken in early 2018.

    What opportunity will the general public and key stakeholders have to comment on this project and at what stage?

    Council is actively seeking feedback from the community throughout the duration of the project.

    Stage 1 - Complete: Initial community consultation ran from the 1 May- 16 June 2017.

    Stage 2 - Current:  An Expression of Interest for community members and key stakeholders to join the Citizens Panel to become closely involved in this project.

    Stage 3 - Further consultation with the community will be carried out in early 2018.

    Will the former Artarmon Bowling Club site be joined with the Artarmon Reserve?

    Yes, in terms of management and maintenance. The former Artarmon Bowling Club site adjoins the Reserve on the north boundary; the land is 0.76 hectare in area and has a covenant that the site be used for public recreation and community uses.  The site contains a clubhouse and 2 bowling greens. 

    Artarmon Reserve is a Crown Land reserve, approximately 10 hectares in size (including bushland of approx. 6.5 hectares).  The bushland component of the reserve is covered by the Artarmon Reserve Action Plan 2016. Artarmon Reserve is an important open space resource in the Willoughby Council area with significant recreational and environmental value. About 3.5 hectares of the Reserve is for recreational use and consists of a sports oval with floodlights, practice cricket nets, sport pavilion (changing rooms and public toilets), BBQs and children playground.  The oval is used as an off-leash dog exercise area, and also acts as a stormwater detention basin during storms. The recreation component of the reserve is covered by the Artarmon Reserve Master Plan 2000; this Plan is due to be renewed.